zenith day 2

Today was a... day-

I have a dad, shocker right?  He has a heart which is 30% dead after post-surgery complications and previous heart attacks. He also suffers from depression and currently has little to no will to live. He is not a simple person. He currently, for some reason, has trouble talking to me, his daughter. and left my mom in the middle of the night, drunk, and refuses to answer her calls. My mom called me instead, at 1am, and said this is how it is and I do not know what to do, he says he doesn't want to take his medications anymore and just wants to die. She is a little bit afraid of him right now, not for him.

I comforted her, wrote to my sister,  as I suspect he is at her house since they are looking after it (they live in the same town) while she and her family are away abroad.

Earlier I drew a sketch of the games maps, as it needs to be tiny. My mind is a little bit scattered, but I'm going to focus. As much as my audhdaddled family troubled brain has the energy to.

Let's make this a happy spooky jam we can all draw energy from. Ok?


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